We specialize in qualitative customer research
in consumer, industrial and business environments. We conduct in-depth interviews, focus groups, voice of
the customer, and ethnographies with consumers, professionals,
experts, employees and executives.
Our research can be at a single point in time
or part of an ongoing "customer council" process using both
traditional and on-line approaches.
What we provide:
In Depth interviews and Focus groups are
the mainstay of qualitative research. We also provide
specialized customer research services including voice of the customer
and ethnography. We use traditional in the field and phone
research data collection as well as on-line.
Our specialized services:
Vocal Insights
- Voice of the Customer for discovering customer needs
- deep immersion into your customer's world
- On-Line
Qualitative - connecting with customers anytime,
Consumer and Business to Business
We provide qualitative research in a wide range of industries including:
Food, packaging, health care, chemical, medical
devices, financial, education, publishing,
insurance, electronics, equipment, building and construction, retail among others
©2001- 2013 Innovare, Inc. All rights
Innovare and Vocal Insights are
registered trademarks
of Innovare, Inc.