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Technology Discovery and the Tech ExplorerSM

Successful innovators create new platforms and breakthroughs enabled by emerging technology.  They also improve and extend existing product lines incrementally as current technologies evolve.  Adopting evolving and emerging technologies allows innovators to  satisfy current and emerging customer needs while providing competitive insulation and long term advantage.

We support strategic business managers, R&D, and innovation teams in a systematic technology discovery process that we call the Tech Explorer

Innovare's Tech Explorer is a technology discovery research process that includes a forum for the innovation team plus invited technology experts and lead users to interact and explore current and emerging technologies that can fuel innovation.

We provide process facilitation and hands-on research support.  We identify potential technologies, explore how they will evolve, and create visions for their applications relative to current and emerging customer needs and new product concepts. 

The process brings a high level of connection between R&D activities and customer's needs.  It provides input for technology, strategy, and product line planning.

Tech Explorer slide shows


Innovare's Tech Explorer Technology Discovery Approach


PDMA Presentation: Beyond Tilting at Windmills:

A Case Study with Sealed Air presented by Technology Scouting leader, Blaine Childress and Innovare's Don Ross

Technology Discovery Deliverables 

Technology identification, sourcing, and application visions

Technology and product line maps

Customer needs, product attributes, and technology interaction maps


Strategic assessment of technology impact on markets and customers

Insights and positioning from experts and delphi panels


Science, technology, and policy white papers



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